English Blog Writing: Powerful Ways for Non-Native Speakers’ Improvement

English Blog Writing: Powerful Ways for Non-Native Speakers’ Improvement

For my dedicated readers who have made the inspiring choice to start blog writing as a means to enhance their English proficiency, this post is tailored to you. Continuing our previous discussion on improving English by blogging, we’re exploring further the world of English blog writing—a powerful avenue for non-native speakers to hone their language…

How to Improve my English Writing Skills? Start blogging

How to Improve my English Writing Skills? Start blogging

How can I improve my English writing skills? This question has crossed my path countless times, and I’ve explored it myself. I’ve compiled a set of strategies that I’ve found effective, and one of them is to start blogging. Blogging allows you to practice writing regularly, experiment with different writing styles, and reach a global…

Proven Tips on How to Easily Learn Confusing Verbs

Proven Tips on How to Easily Learn Confusing Verbs

In my experience, learning English in a non-native English-speaking country and then moving to Toronto to study English at college, I’ve faced a serious challenge with confusing verbs that either look similar or have the same spelling. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who’s had this issue. Have you experienced the same problem,…

Collocations Techniques for Effective Communication & How to Use Words Together

Collocations Techniques for Effective Communication & How to Use Words Together

The question of collocations, which is all about how words naturally fit together, is quite interesting. It invites us to explore the way words form partnerships in language, and while it’s a straightforward concept, it holds a world of linguistic intricacies to discover. In this blog post, we’re about to explore he art of perfect…

The First Thanksgiving Celebration: A Jumpstart for Vocabulary Development

The First Thanksgiving Celebration: A Jumpstart for Vocabulary Development

The first Thanksgiving celebration Welcome to this blog post where we will be participants in the First Thanksgiving celebration together. As we gather around the Thanksgiving table, our thoughts often turn to gratitude, family, and of course, the delicious feast that awaits us. But beyond the turkey and pumpkin pie, Thanksgiving has a rich history…

Tried-and-True Ways to Express Yourself Better in English Writing

Tried-and-True Ways to Express Yourself Better in English Writing

Are you looking for tried-and-true ways to express yourself better in English writing? Look no further; you are in the right spot! In this article, I’ll share my experience of developing my English writing skills from scratch to becoming a published author, even reaching bestseller status. Some of these tips might work for you, while…

Boost your English-Speaking Confidence in 8 Easy Ways

Boost your English-Speaking Confidence in 8 Easy Ways

Want to know how to boost your English-speaking confidence? Curious about ways to increase your self-esteem as an English speaker? Read on! Confidence Confidence is a powerful skill, and we definitely need it, especially in today’s competitive world. Having it has the potential to bring about significant improvements in both your personal life and your…

How to Elevate Your Communication with English Power Words

How to Elevate Your Communication with English Power Words

Today, let’s explore the English power words and discover how they can elevate your communication skills. Ever stopped to think about the incredible influence a single word can have on your day? Consider how ‘a smile’ can brighten your mood or ‘a challenge’ can ignite your determination. Words are like keys that unlock our thoughts,…

7 Smart Ways  to Conquer Confusing Words. Expert Tasted

7 Smart Ways to Conquer Confusing Words. Expert Tasted

Navigating the complexities of the English language can sometimes feel like a puzzling game, especially when it comes to those tricky confusing words and word pairs. If you’ve ever found yourself grappling with words that seem almost identical but have distinct meanings, you’re not alone. Learning English involves not just understanding individual words, but also…

How to learn English faster? Start Daily Journaling

How to learn English faster? Start Daily Journaling

Today, I’m excited to share my insights on how you can learn English faster by starting daily journaling. Having pursued English studies myself, I’ve explored various strategies over the years in the quest for accelerated language acquisition and tangible results. Moreover, my experience as an educator has allowed me to witness diverse outcomes among my…