Procrastination vs. Precrastination in Language Learning: Find the Balance

Procrastination vs. Precrastination in Language Learning: Find the Balance

Procrastination vs. Precrastination in language learning: What Does It Mean? In my long practice teaching languages and also being a student, people mostly talk about procrastination and how to deal with it. But I haven’t heard much about precrastination. Even Grammarly corrects my spelling from precrastination to procrastination. Not kidding! So, I need to fight…

The 60-second Mindset in Language Learning For Better Productivity

The 60-second Mindset in Language Learning For Better Productivity

Curious about how a quick change in mindset can boost productivity when you learn a new language? Enter the 60-second mindset in language learning to get more done. How many seconds are there in a minute? 60 seconds! What can we do in 60 seconds? Some might say: “It’s only 60 seconds! I would say…

Batching for Language Learners: Time Saver and Productivity Booster

Batching for Language Learners: Time Saver and Productivity Booster

Ever feel like you’re always running out of time to study English? Ever feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day to juggle work, life, and learning? Well, I’ve got a little trick that might help: batching for language learners. If you don’t batch your work, this is your calling. Instantly save you loads…

25+Steps to Eliminate Digital Clutter for Language Learners

25+Steps to Eliminate Digital Clutter for Language Learners

In today’s digital era, where computers, laptops, and phones act as portals to our virtual existence, eliminating digital clutter for language learners is vital to help increase productivity and minimize stress. A cluttered laptop or phone can result in wasted time searching for files, reduced efficiency, and overwhelm in everyday life. Keeping your digital space…

Eisenhower Matrix for Time Management and Better Learning Efficiency

Eisenhower Matrix for Time Management and Better Learning Efficiency

What is the Eisenhower Matrix for Time Management and how can this method help improve learning efficiency? Have you ever felt so swamped with tasks that you didn’t know where to start? Like you’re juggling flaming torches while riding a unicycle on a tightrope? It’s that moment when your to-do list is so long it…

ADHD-friendly apps for learners: The best Tool – Sunsama

ADHD-friendly apps for learners: The best Tool – Sunsama

I’ve been writing about language learning strategies for many years, including ADHD- friendly apps for learners to boost productivity. With extensive experience in this field, I’ve witnessed the effectiveness of time management tools and their impact on productivity. Moreover, while working with students, I’ve noticed that some face challenges implementing these techniques. This led me…

How to Make Your English Learning Goals More Achievable

How to Make Your English Learning Goals More Achievable

Have you ever wondered how to make your English learning goals more achievable? Have you ever asked yourself how to set your goals correctly? I have struggled with this challenge too. I have experienced the Roller Coaster of achieving English learning goals, as you do. I initially ponder the pivotal question: “Why am I doing…

25 + Easy Ways to Boost Your Language Learning Productivity

25 + Easy Ways to Boost Your Language Learning Productivity

Are you a goal-getter looking for ways to increase your English learning productivity? I will share 25 + Easy Ways to Boost Your Language Learning Productivity. Are you ready to see where you really spend your time?! Please keep reading to learn about tools I tried myself and found some tricks that helped me learn…

How to Learn English Faster with The 2-Minute Rule

How to Learn English Faster with The 2-Minute Rule

Do you often feel overwhelmed by your English learning to-do list? Are important language tasks left until the last minute due to procrastination? Do you think you are not making quick progress? If yes, try to learn English faster with the 2-Minute Rule. Procrastination has been a recurring challenge for me—I just can’t seem to…

5 Powerful Steps to Use SMART Goals to Reach Success

5 Powerful Steps to Use SMART Goals to Reach Success

Do you want to achieve your goals? Use SMART Goals to Reach Success. SMART stands for Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Timely Ensuring your goals fit these criteria boosts your chances of success and use your time and resources wisely. Remember: Set SMART goals, tackle them with the right tools, overcome obstacles, and evaluate your progress….